Category: Science

What Degree do I need to be a Teacher

Who is the teacher or What Degree do I need to be a Teacher? We speak of “teacher” and put it in quotation marks for most women who have historically exercised the profession and continue to do so, but of course the title also applies to men. “La Maestra”...

What is Ethical Decision Making

Ethical Decision making In everyday life, decisions are made all the time: in some cases these are automatic, while in other cases decision-making can be a longer, more demanding and complex process; For this reason, decision making is characterized by some of the most important events in life. Decision...

What is Ethical Communication

Three years ago I chose to make communication my profession. It’s an amazing playground for me. For example, in the case of accounting there are no fixed rules or Ethical Communication. Every company, every entrepreneur can communicate as he wants. There is no fixed recipe for how our communication...

What do you Mean by Business Ethics

What is Business Ethics? What is meant by morality? There are two important definitions: ethics provides the basis for us to make decisions about right or wrong, and ethics is also the study of moral philosophy. To behave ethically means to choose the right option rather than the wrong...

What is Ethical Value

Policy or Ethical Value Ethics is the discipline that seeks to study and objectively and rationally define rules that make it possible to differentiate human behavior into good (or right) and bad (or wrong). The last part of the definition is often summarized as a contrast between what is...

What is Unethical Behavior

Unethical behavior Theologians and philosophers since ancient times have been concerned with the question of how evil comes into the world and how it should be dealt with. When asked what it is and how to deal with it, many fail. It is not only nave to conclude from...

What is Constructivist Teaching

Constructivism is a school of thought with a psychological matrix that – then moved to the field of education, among other things or we can say Constructivist Teaching. Based on the concept that each individual constructs knowledge of the world around them by reflecting on their own experiences. Is....

What is Professional Teaching

What is Professional Teaching? Professional Teaching is a learning model focused on the development of skills and technical skills to meet the demand of the job market. The courses are offered to youth and adult workers, regardless of schooling, with the aim of vocational qualifications and qualifications. Vocational technical...

What do Computer Engineers Do

What do Computer Engineers Do? The IT industry is booming: those who study computer science have excellent future prospects in the age of digitization. Here you can find out what you need to bring with you for a career as a computer scientist or IT specialist, what jobs you...

What is Processor in Computer

What is a Processor in Computer? Do you want to know what a processor is and what it does? We will explain this to you. The processor is the heart of computers and other devices. No hardware works without it. Other names for processors are main processor or central...