Category: Science

What are the Effective Communication

What is effective communication? Interpersonal communication seems to be something ordinary, familiar, something that everyone knows how to do every day, when in fact it hides a much more complex structure. What is hidden behind simple communication? Interpersonal communication, involving several people, is based on a relationship in which...

How to be a good Team Leader

Do you want to be a successful team leader? An Arab proverb says: “An army of sheep led by a lion defeats an army of lions led by a sheep”. We can only agree – because without a competent manager, success can be achieved quickly. Today we will show...

How to become a Scrum Master

“Want to be a scrum master. Know some of the common pitfalls of Scrum Masters and how to completely overcome or avoid them. Imagine you went on a jungle safari or trekking trip with your friends and unfortunately you got separated from your group Scrum Master. There is no...

How to write Background of the Study

How to write a background of the study So now you should see your ear and pencil sharpen the same way. Because in this blog article you get complete instructions on how to write a theoretical background (also known as a theoretical outline) in 3 easy steps. This way...

How to Use Polymer Clay

That is, I will tell you about my work by giving general and specific information for those who want to embark on this journey or are just curious to know what polymer clay is and the depth of its use. This section is the result of study, research and...

How to clean Terracotta Pots

How to clean pottery or terracotta pots easily and simply Despite its antiquity, terracotta pots still have a charm and functionality that no other vase has yet managed to replace. Properties have porosity and great insulating ability. In fact, loamy soil allows the exchange of water and air through...

How to make Clay Rings

How to make ceramic rings by hand or Clay Rings: In the manufacture of ceramic rings, imagination and the joy of experimentation are in the foreground, as is the case with all other creations made of terracotta and especially artistic and handcrafted jewelry. Of course, this type of ring...

Smartest Dog Breeds

Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds In addition to being excellent companions, dogs are also animals capable of learning complex commands and adapting to complex situations, exhibiting an evolved form of intelligence. Since most people would choose to choose their dog breed based on intelligence, here are the top 10...

Yoga for Belly Fat

5 yoga asanas to lose belly fat and tone the tummy Cobra medicine (Bhujang posture) This position helps strengthen the abdominal muscles to reduce belly fat. It will also help strengthen the upper body by creating a strong and flexible spine. To do this situation: Lie on your stomach...

What Animal would you be and Why

what animal you would be? This can only be dismissed as a silly question. But few HR managers want to know this during an interview. After all, there’s more to this question: how well you can improvise and find out how creative you are. You are free to choose...