How to delete unnecessary emails from gmail
First open Gmail and search Label:unread after that click select all check box and delete all emails.
I share Tech tips app reviews and enough Gmail content to fill up all the inboxes in all the land but today I’m sharing five tips to quickly clean up your Gmail inbox.
Mute email threads
tip number one mute email threads this is like when you mute group chat notifications but for your Gmail yes please so if you’ve ever been stuck in an endless email thread you can adjust your settings to not have every reply end up in your inbox on desktop check

the box to the left of that email thread then click on the three dot menu icon near the top or yours might say more and then select mute now instead of popping up in your inbox all of the emails in this thread will go into your all mail label saving your inbox and also maybe your sanity at the same time and you can do this on mobile as well by the way so here you’ll actually tap on the email and then tap on that three dot menu icon in the top right and then tap mute again you’re going to be receiving emails but they’re just going to filter into your all mail label and if you want to know even more about Gmail labels
Archive emails in bulk
Tip number two archive emails in bulk this is a great way to clean up your inbox really quickly and remember archiving emails is different than deleting emails so if you’ve got a lot of emails from one sender that are creating clutter in your inbox start by using the search box at the top of your Gmail now to search for the email address of that sender now let’s narrow down that search more by clicking on the from Filter underneath that search box and selecting that email address so we only want to view emails from that email address from here.

we can click on this box to select all email or we can click on the arrow to the right of the box to narrow the field further by red on red starred and so on but once you’ve decided on how you want to filter this simply click on the archive option that appears to the right of the select all toggle now

All of these emails are instantly removed from your inbox and if you’re wondering where do archived emails go in Gmail well they are also added to your all mail label and not only can you archive emails in bulk but you can delete emails in bulk too so with that
Bulk Delete
Tip number three is to bulk delete emails in Gmail oh yeah so here’s set a bulk delete emails in Gmail there are of course a couple of ways to do this I think the easiest way is a couple of clicks you can click on that select all toggle near the top to select all emails on the page once you select all emails using this toggle you’re going to be informed at the top that you’ve selected all the emails on that page but you can select all conversations in your primary inbox you’d simply click on that to get rid of every last email in your entire inbox so if you truly want to bulk delete all the emails in your Gmail this would be the quickest way but chances are you probably don’t want to delete every last email that you have ever received into your inbox so you can actually use some handy filters to bulk delete emails as well.

you can literally filter this however you want so in your search bar at the top maybe you want to bulk delete all all emails from specific email addresses so you could just search for that email address and then either select all right from those results or you could use that same filter to filter only emails from so only emails you’ve received from that email address then you select all and bang delete them all in one go or you could filter by unread or read messages so in your search bar at the top you could type in something like is colon
Unread and then hit enter and boom all of your unread emails are going to come up for you here it’s the exact same Steps you click on that select all box and you can delete per page or simply select all conversations that match this search so you can search and filter down however works for you to delete your emails in bulk but remember once you delete emails in Gmail they are moved to your trash bin where they will sit for 30 days so from your trash you could recover an email and move it back to
your inbox if you want you can leave them sit there for 30 days or you can select the option at the top to empty trash now once you do that those emails are gone forever goodbye.
Create multiple email
Tip number four to clean up your inbox is to create multiple email addresses this is really handy if you’re signing up for newsletters or social media accounts or free trials or I don’t know even con contests it’s great because you don’t have to bog down your primary inbox with those emails it’s called plus addressing so next time you’re signing up for a newsletter from the best songwriter in the whole world all you have to do is type in the start of your email address
then add a plus symbol and type in something like you know for my example Taylor newsletter now these emails will initially land in your inbox but all you have to do is set a filter or label to tell Gmail where you want those emails to go so click on the check box the left of the email and here you can either click on labels at the top and select a label from here or create a new label for it or you can click on more or that three dot menu icon in the top and select filter messages like these if you want an even more in-depth tutorial on creating multiple emails in Gmail.
Report Spam
Tip number five report spam I will admit Gmail does an excellent job at doing this automatically for you but very occasionally things do squeak by if this happens all you need to do is click that check box to the left of the email and then click the report spam icon it’s in the same spot near the top

if you’ve opened that email too by the way I also check my SPAM folder every now and again just just to make sure nothing has been flagged as spam that actually should be in my primary inbox alright before I leave you I have a little bonus tip for you and that’s to perform a security checkup on your Google account so from your Gmail you can click on your account icon in the top right and select manage your Google account from here click on security on the left
if you scroll down you can check on all the devices you’re currently signed in on which is really handy sign out of anything that you do not recognize or let’s scroll back to the top you may have some security recommendations from Google here you can click on protect
your account to check on those it’s also a good idea from here to ensure that you have your two-step verification enabled and as you’ve probably guessed by now I have a million more Gmail videos where that came from so if you want any more Gmail content be sure to check out the links in the description below so those are my tips to clean up your Gmail inbox in 2023 and now I want to hear from you what do you think of my five tips to clean up your Gmail inbox.