When is it time to put a dog down
End of life?
The hardest decision for a dog owner to make
When I was working in a veterinary clinic, I inevitably got many horrible phone calls from owners asking if it was time to put their beloved dog down. Unfortunately, I was never able to give them the black and white answer they wanted.
As I listened to them with compassion, in the midst of their sobbing for help, I always remained true to my personal opinion that it was the owner’s ultimate choice as he knew his dog best.
These were compassionate owners who were genuinely concerned about their dogs’ well-being, did their best to deal with the idea that their dog’s life was about to end, and reaped their emotional powers for that last day.
These were clients who had been struggling with their pet’s chronic disease for years and were ready to do whatever they could to help their pet with the disease as comfortably as possible.
As vets, we have also suffered as we have seen and emotionally attached to these dogs for many years. We cried and hugged the owners often as pain and sadness invaded the veterinary clinic.
It’s a difficult conversation for everyone involved.
The vet explains when to put him down a pet
When should dog euthanasia be suppressed?
As dog owners, we would be happy if our dogs could live much longer. Although they have a long life behind them, it seems that their life ends too soon when dogs become geriatric.
The years we spent together have gone by too quickly and it seems like it was yesterday when they first walked around.
We all want our dogs to sleep peacefully as they rest their heads on their favorite pillow for the last time.
Unfortunately, as they age, many pets suffer or become paralyzed from arthritis or, worse, debilitating diseases such as cancer.
As we do our best to relieve their pain through the wonders of modern medicine, there comes a certain time when we can clearly see our pet’s body becoming fragile and eventually giving up.
If dogs could tell us what they want, the dying process could be much easier, but since they have been spared the gift of voice, we need to interpret the subtle signs of their physical decline.
Only owners know how their dog copes with physical pain and how it reacts to everyday life.
I think at some point the dog will say it’s time to go. There will be noticeable changes in their behavior, a change that perhaps only the owners could perceive, indicating that they are ready for the Rainbow Bridge.
It could be a look in their eyes, a facial expression, or the simple lack of a wagging tail.
However, I must admit that as a veterinary nurse I have seen some cases where euthanasia was performed at the wrong time, too early or too late.
What are the “golden way” ?
I’ve seen owners go through the procedure to get a diagnosis of cancer or kidney failure.
In these cases, dogs may be a few weeks or even months old.
However, owners may find themselves unable to bear the financial burden of an illness or witness the physical deterioration of their best friend. Some just wanted to spare their dog all the suffering.
In other cases, I have seen dogs kept alive well beyond the “allowed deterioration” phase in an unnecessary spiral of mental and physical deterioration.
In these cases the owners could not “let go” and did their best to resist their pet as long as possible … until their dog was just a lifeless shadow.
In my opinion, the middle way is the “golden way”. While you are wondering if it is time to put your dog to sleep, remember to love every day and every moment because those last days will always be in your heart.
When the time comes for your dog, he’ll let you know it’s time to cross Rainbow Bridge with confidence. Unlike humans, dogs are not afraid of death because they live in the moment.
Don’t worry about your dog, he will be in a better place and most importantly, he will be pain free forever.
If you stick to euthanasia, you will likely see your dog helping you out because of ul. look in the eye
Once he almost said, “Thank you to the owner for loving me so much.” Then she will take a deep breath and peacefully step into the better life, watching you for many years to come.
What happens when an animal dies
The Rainbow Bridge poem
When an animal dies that has been particularly close to someone in heart, that animal goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are hills for all of our\friends so they can run.
- There is an abundance of food, water and sun, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
- All the animals that had been sick and old were restored to health and vigor.
- Those who have been injured or again and strong, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times past. Animals are happy , except for one small thing; they miss special to them, who had to be left.

- They all run and play, but the day comes when one suddenly stops distance.
- His bright eyes are intent. His body, eager for him, quivers. Suddenly he starts running, flying over the grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
- You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling to a joyful reunion, never to be separated again.
- So you cross the Rainbow Bridge together ….
For further reading
What Happens During Your Pet Euthanasia Appointment If your dog or cat has gotten to a point where their body is fragile and there is nothing more that can be done by a doctor, your vet may suggest making an appointment for euthanasia. Sad as …
How to Determine a Dog’s Quality of Life Quality of Life Signs to Watch for in Dogs, phila67, morguefile.com Owners who are questioning when a dog should be put down will often hear vets discuss quality of life. Quality of life is everything …
Was it easy for you to determine when your pet was ready to put to sleep?
Questions and answers
It appears your dog needs a more thorough evaluation.
Tell your vet the symptoms you are seeing. Domestic accidents and increased alcohol consumption can be due to many causes such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, kidney disease, lower urinary tract infections, and Cushing’s disease.
Having the lump on your stomach aspirated to rule out cancer. Diarrhea should also be mentioned. If the veterinarian is unwilling to conduct tests, consult another veterinarian.
I have a four year pit stop, she has been suffering from skin allergies for three years. His skin is absolutely rough and scratchy. She has seen 3 vets, had many medications, creams, steroid shots, changed her diet.
Nothing helps. He can’t go outside to play, let’s go potty-training and that’s it. He cries, he whimpers, and he’s not that active because he’s so unhappy. Should I have put him down to ease his suffering?
I’m sorry your dog is going through all of this. It seems he is unhappy. Has your dog seen a specialist by accident? Otherwise, he seeks a veterinary dermatologist who specializes in boards.
You can find one by searching the directory on the American College of Veterinary Dermatology website.
I have a cocker spaniel service dog.
I had to withdraw her because she has horrendous arthritis in her hind legs. I can’t bring myself to replace her while she’s still here, and it’s breaking my heart to see her suffer.
What can I do for her instead of taking her to the vet’s office?
There are many products that work well for arthritis. Lintbells makes a product known as Yumove which can help in no time to be effective.
Adequan injections have helped many older dogs. If it gets close to her time, you can see if there are vets in your area for there.
I don’t know what to do with my dog. Soon he will be thirteen. It’s a mix of Bichon and Shitzu. He pees around the house and keeps barking when someone comes by.
I have stage 4 cancer and the last thing I have to do is clean up and take care of it.
Suddenly I don’t like it anymore. I’m sorry to want to remove it, but I don’t see any other options. Nobody wants to adopt an older dog who pees and barks in the house.
Do you have any advice?
All of this has to be very difficult to deal with and you have to put your health first.
Your dog, as the mix he is, is still quite “young” after all. Some dogs in this mix lived to be 18 years old. Pissing and barking can be due to fear or an underlying health problem.
It may be worthwhile to consult with some local emergency services, animal welfare groups, and animal shelters and let them know what is going on and what options, if any, they offer.
What should I do with an older dog who growls at my baby because I’ve been told it’s too old and sick to be relocated?
You may want to keep your dog away from your daughter.
Use a baby gate with a fine-meshed net on the underside so that your daughter cannot reach through with her fingers or use the crate or playpen.
It is recommended that you take your dog to the vet as they appear to have several health problems that may be related to the signs you see.
If she is not doing well, her aggression threshold and thus her behavior towards your daughter may be lower.
He can also have cognitive dysfunction or painful arthritis problems in the spine or legs, which can lead to accidents around the house.
I’m sorry to have to say this, but my dog is in a lot of pain at home and everyone in the family agrees to be shot. All but my father, whose dog it is.
We tried to talk to him about it and he refuses to listen.
The dog is getting worse every day, but we cannot take him to the vet without my father’s permission and we do not know what to do now. How can we argue with my father that his dog should be released?
Since your dad has the final say, how about a vet come to your home for a dog evaluation?
If so, the veterinarian can examine the dog, see if there is anything else that can be done to keep him out of pain and comfort, and talk to your father about the problem.
No decision needs to be made on the same day, just an assessment. I think Lap of Love offers advice, but any mobile vet can offer such a service.
My dog is 13 years old! She has lost a lot of weight in the past 7 weeks.
We still have energy, he has an appetite, but he doesn’t care about the water because it makes him vomit.
He has two bumps on his stomach and his stool is covered in blood. Besides, only shit blood! He still has energy and life in his little body, but he’s not feeling well! I think this could be the end. Some pointers?
It is best to go to your veterinarian and find out what the underlying cause of your discomfort is.
I know these vet visits can be scary at this age, but only knowing what is really going on will give you the best insight into what you can do to improve your quality of life.
She may need medication to relieve her stomach problems. The bloody poop can be caused by many things, and many things can be fixed.
Giving ice cubes can help dogs vomit water while slowly licking instead of swallowing food. Ask your vet how you can hydrate him without making him vomit. He may need fluids under his skin.