Why do you want to work in our Company Sample Answer for Freshers
Why do you want to work in our Company Sample Answer for Freshers? The most asked question.
A question capable of arousing surprise and embarrassment, the request on the reasons why the company should hire him is one that can confuse the candidate.
Here’s why it is done and how to prepare to respond best
The so-called “trick questions” are the ones that cause the most agitation when we prepare for a job interview.
Seemingly bizarre, they often take the candidate by surprise and can help put him in trouble in front of the interviewer, drastically reducing the chances of obtaining the dream job.
Among these there is certainly the question “why should we hire you?” or “why should we choose her? Despite this, still not all candidates prepare themselves adequately, even for this question, when they respond to a job offer.
As with other interview questions, there are no right answers regardless, but it is very easy to give the wrong answer. That is why it is very important to be well prepared before the interview.
Each “trick question” is in fact dangerous, because it can embarrass you, but it can also turn into an opportunity, because it can allow you to distinguish.
Yourself from other candidates and increase your chances of success. In other words, it can help you “sell” you better.
Why is this question asked?
The interviewer with this question does not want you to list all your academic or professional preparation that is already contained in your curriculum, because he has already studied it carefully before coming to the interview.
Rather, his goal is to get to know you as a person, see how you can tell about yourself and highlight your potential. But also understand how close you are to the culture and needs of the company you work for.
In other words, he tries to understand what he can differentiate you from other candidates, who he has already rated as suitable for the job position offered.
What needs to be done. What not to do
Having said this, it is therefore clear that we must avoid prepackaged or impersonal answers, which would give the impression that in reality you do not have much to say.
Answers such as “Why am I the best candidate for this job” or “Because I’ve always dreamed of working for a company like this”, if not motivated with precise details, seem in fact phrases suitable for any job position.
These are “passepartout” answers which are therefore not very useful or interesting for the interviewer.
In each answer, however, it is important to arouse the attention of whoever is speaking to you, in order to arouse a memory that can distinguish you from the others.
Here’s what you need to do:
demonstrate with facts and experience why you are unique compared to all the other people applying for that job, focusing on your added value;
appear confident in yourself, aware of what you are saying and why it may be important for the company;
show your skills with a little conviction and ostentation, with personal and precise examples.
What you must NOT do:
you must not exaggerate, or boast too much, because it is an attitude that can provoke negative reactions from the interviewer;
as mentioned, you do not have to list all the points on your curriculum, because that is an aspect already analyzed by the speaker;
respond quickly, dropping the subject quickly.
The importance of preparation
To answer this question, as well as many others during an interview, it is therefore essential to prepare thoroughly first. It is therefore necessary to study:
The job offer: you must read carefully what is required by the employer, the skills needed for that position and focus on these aspects to prepare your answers;
The company itself: what are the values that the company holds and insists on? What sectors do you work in? What kind of professionalism does it require?
your resume and your memories: it is essential to analyze your resume carefully and select some experiences that can be useful to demonstrate your knowledge.
But be careful: you must only choose those that are most useful for the company you are proposing to.
These are aspects that you must always know, but they also become important when you have to answer the question, during an interview, “why should we hire her?”.
The right strategy
You can therefore adopt several strategies to answer this question. You can decide for example to:
For example: “Because I am very prepared to deal with sudden moments of difficulty, like that time … And I believe that this.
or it could be essential for a company like yours operating in high volatility sectors…”.
Or again: “I spent years working in a team of 15 people, an experience that allowed me to grow both professionally and personally.
And I think this skill can be very useful in this job, where many people within the company come into constant contact
Show you an expert in the company’s industry
And also: “I’ve been in sales for years and I’m used to building relationships with the most problematic customers, as happened then.
Precisely for this reason, I was also able to increase the turnover of this company that works in a sector that I thoroughly studied”.
then you should also try to understand the interlocutor: for example, if you think you are too qualified for the job, you can focus the dialogue on the willingness to continue training for this role.
Or vice versa, if it seems to you that he is more focused on the “gaps” of your education, you can emphasize the soft skills, the skills you have developed in your professional career anyway.
What is an interview?
A job interview is usually a conversation between an applicant and an employer representative. This is generally done to assess the candidate’s qualities to ensure they are suitable for that particular position.
It is very important to note here that an interview not only helps the employer find a suitable candidate but also helps the candidate decide whether or not the job is suitable for his/her qualifications.
So every organization makes the important decision to hire the candidate through an interview.
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Who do we consider to be new people in the workplace?
A freshman is a person/candidate who has no formal work experience. In general, graduates dropped out of university or college are called freshmen because they have no job and no formal work experience.
Obviously, interviews are conducted to find the right candidate for a particular position, but is it equally important to understand the purposes of the interview?
From the interviewer’s point of view, an interview helps with the following:
Find out the correctness of the facts provided by the candidate.
- Know some additional skills that the candidate may have in addition to those listed on the resume.
- Understand the candidate’s analytical and creative skills.
- Establish a mutual relationship between the candidate and the organization.
- Learn more about the position and the company’s expectations within that position.
- Find out what skills the candidate is missing so you can focus on improving those areas.
- It represents the credibility of a company so that it leaves a mark on the young job seekers.
- Follow the standard legal regulations of the country.
- Excellent reduction of all large groups of candidates.
- Connect with the group while you wait to attend the same interview.
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Why are job interviews important to employers?
As mentioned above, an interview helps both the employer and the candidate to find the right thing. Below are some reasons why job interviews are important to employers:
- It helps to collect all additional information related to the candidate.
- It is absolutely not possible for a candidate to provide minor details on a job application or resume; Interviews thus complement these questions or resumes where essential/missing information is required for the candidate.
- Helps select the correct/authorized person for the advertised position.
- Helps to collect useful information about previous work experiences, specific work situations etc.
- Increase the start-up of a company/organization.
- Helps with one-on-one promotions and employee transfers.
The interviews for different positions/functions are classified based on the following factors:
- Number of people involved
- Subscription included
- Decision-making capacity
- Type of functions or settings
- Work involved / type of task
- Within these categories, many different types of interviews are conducted, as listed below.
- Interview
These are the most common types of interviews taking place in industries today. A face-to-face interview generally focuses on intermediate and high-level professional profiles in which both technical and analytical skills are assessed.
group interview
A group interview is primarily observed for higher-level or intermediate-level job opportunities, testing candidates for their conversational skills and persuasive techniques.
panel interview
Sometimes there is co-option for higher positions.
Group/Committee Interview in which the applicant has to make a presentation.
depending on the plan involved
structured interview
This is commonly known as a guided or formal interview, where the questions of the interviewer are almost the same for each candidate.
It is a very traditional form of job interview and helps in evaluating the candidates objectively. Entry-level positions or new positions within an organization primarily use this form of interview.
Unstructured interview
It is generally a conversational interview where the interviewer does not have a precise pattern of questions in mind. It starts as a general conversation and gradually builds up to technical terms.
Mid-level leadership positions are filled using this interview structure.
During such interviews, the candidate is asked about his/her previous work structure with examples of typical situations in the workplace.
It helps the interviewer to analyze the future performance of the candidate in each position. This type is used for executive and executive functions.
This interview involves writing or answering technical questions related to the position. Mostly used for software and industrial recruitment process.
In depth interview
It is a very detailed form of interview where every point mentioned in the resume is touched upon and over time becomes a conversation. Usually this type of interview is time consuming and is done for managerial positions.
stress interview
This form of interview is rarely given the attention it deserves, but it can sometimes be used to test a candidate’s ability to deal with crisis in the workplace.
This is the interview pattern in the jobs related to banks. When it’s a stress interview there are little things to anticipate:
Interrupt the candidate as he answers.
- Answering phone calls (interviewers) in the middle of the interview.
- State the point of the candidate forcefully.
- Step away from the ongoing conversation and suddenly ask another unrelated question.
- based on features
- phone interview
It is the initial stage of the selection process which essentially aims at narrowing down the probable shortlist of candidates for a particular post.
All the entry level posts follow this interview pattern. After the telephone interview, the candidate is sometimes asked to attend a personal interview at the company.
It helps the candidates who live in distant places to apply for the posts in other places.
Online interview
With the rise of video conferencing and other super tech things these days, online interviews have become very common.
This type obviates the need to travel for the interview. Help you save time and energy. Almost all types of job interviews follow this pattern.
Job fairs are conducted in educational institutions, so organizations select potential candidates only after graduation. It is a combination of general and technical skills assessment.
All high level jobs for decent organizations are filled through on-campus internship/job fair.
Interviews with management and sales positions sometimes follow this pattern, only to gain an understanding of the candidate’s behavior in a less formal setting.
Mostly spoken language with considerable technical nuances.
The main difference between lunch and tea talk is the time taken during the conversation. Due to the limited time frame, the interviews for tea are short with a structured set of questions.
In general, this type of interview is considered for positions in the glamor and fashion industries.
Interview with student
Intern position interviews basically take place in this model where it is a formal system of questions related to competencies.
appraisal interview
It consists of a series of questions with a scoring system to evaluate the performance on the basis of marks. Removes the scope of personal bias during the interview.
For candidates looking for senior positions in their career, go through this process to discuss the possible prospects.
When the employees of an organization are given an opportunity to discuss their problems and possible solutions are offered, it becomes a kind of consultation.
It is a type of meeting where a group or individual may be questioned by the interviewer regarding the issue of misconduct or performance.
Reassuring interview
This happens when the candidate needs to impress the interviewer to accept his point of view on some aspect.
Recent graduates may not have a clear idea of what to expect during a job interview. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you understand the stages of a typical job interview.
The basic personal interview is the second or third stage of the selection process. Before this, there is a pre-interview in which the candidate has to go.
Through various processes such as submission of resumes, attending telephone rounds etc.
So, during the pre-interview stage, the interviewer already has some basic knowledge. about the candidate and offers him an interview only if he deems it appropriate.
interview stage
For freshmen, this stage usually takes place in the HR department where the question pattern is the same for all applicants. The interviewer usually begins by checking the facts already on the resume.
For experienced candidates, this phase is also divided into 2 parts: one with the HR team and the other with the technical team.
The questions asked during this phase are basically divided into the following categories:
The second part of the interview phase is when the interviewer gives the candidate an opportunity to ask questions.
If the interview is being conducted in an office, the interviewer can usually take the candidate for a tour of the office and introduce him to other employees.
An interview ends with this tour, but the hiring manager will not immediately reveal the result of the interview.
The interviewer should specify a time frame within which he is expected to respond, if not specified, the candidate should feel free to ask for a response time before leaving the premises.
With virtual interviews becoming increasingly important these days, there is no substitute for circling the office.