What is thesaurus in MS word

Today, Microsoft Word is considered the most widely used word processing program in the world. Well, thanks to its remarkable background and all the functions it offers.

It is truly a complete program for creating, editing, personalizing and managing digital texts.

Keeping this in mind, it is an essential tool for many students and professionals who manage to achieve high quality results with Word.

Since then, in addition to optimal spell checking, it has become easier for you to use the correct word or phrase for your document.

Hence it is the huge thesaurus offered by Word, which facilitates the creation and editing of texts. To know more about this feature and how to activate it, please read this article.

What is Microsoft Word Thesaurus and what is it used for?

First of all it is important to know what thesaurus are available in this program and what is it mainly used for. Well, this feature refers to a tool that provides the equivalent of each word to enrich the relevant text.

In other words, it will be easier for you to find words that, although spelled differently, have the same meaning.

Hence, the word thesaurus is used to avoid repetition of words during the writing process and hence to beautify your writing.

So it manages to guarantee the quality of your documents without losing the general idea or meaning, so if you want to use a simpler or more elegant term as well make sure that the context you want to explain.

Your text that you want to display is retained, you can use this tool within the program without resorting to other applications or additional solutions.

Benefits of Using Synonyms for Words Why Use Them?

Thanks to the fact that it is an additional function for the word processor, it shows its great usefulness in creating or editing digital documents. Therefore, there are some benefits that you can enjoy that are worth considering.

  • Avoid the possibility of repeating words with the same handwriting.
  • In terms of legibility, the font created is completely rich.
  • It provides a better and more expressive breadth for processing texts.
  • It helps to find work that is more attractive, elegant and understandable to all readers.
  • It helps you to facilitate communication between you and your audience.
  • Thanks to the quality of the text he provided, the author can imagine a better picture in the mind of the reader.
  • Since it is a native feature of Word, it provides more convenience and ease of use to the writers. Well it serves as a great medium during the writing process; Avoid using third party tools.
  • Since you don’t need to reach out to other tools to search for similar words, you can be more productive and time-saving when writing text.
  • In addition to all of the above, the thesaurus in this program is a great solution to avoid plagiarism and better interpret any investigated information.

Steps to Activate and Use Microsoft Word Thesaurus

Now, if you’re relying on this excellent Word tool to prepare your documents and want to ensure that you get professional quality results, it’s important to understand each step involved. .

So, to give you the flexibility to choose the method that works best for you, we’re going to explain two ways to use a word processing thesaurus. First, let’s focus on the strategy based on the Review tab:

  • First, you need to look at the document you want to modify and/or enrich as such.
  • For Bad, select the word in the document for which you want to define a synonym, then click the Review tab directly in the Word options bar.
  • When it’s done, go to the Review group and click on the “Synonyms” option.
  • Along with the bathroom, on the right side of the screen you’ll see a list of all the results that the program offers.
  • If you want to replace the selected word with one of the words in the list, all you have to do is select it, click the down arrow and click “Insert”.
  • If you need to copy and paste a word from the resulting list, select it, click the down arrow, and click Copy. To do this, just paste it anywhere.
  • If you want to search for other related words, click on any word in the list.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to insert a word’s synonym into your Word text more easily and quickly, you can change it through the word’s context menu.

So we mention each step you need to follow

As in the previous case, to refine the document you start by going over it and finding the word you want to replace.
When you find that word, select it and right-click on it to display the options menu.

Then click the “Synonyms” option in that menu and you’ll immediately see a list of all similar words.

Finally, select the word you want (ie click on it) and it will automatically be inserted into your Word document.

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