How to write a short story
If you have a lot of original ideas but are struggling to organize them, try using the method described here to build a short story. Be careful, this isn’t the key to writing every conceivable story, but it should help you frame your central conflict, create a proactive character,...
How to write a Reflection Paper
Write a Reflection Paper: After an internship or seminar, you will often write a reflection or Reflection Paper. The purpose of the reflection is to critically address the learning experience in writing. Experience is reflected and evaluated in the Reflection Paper. This way, you should summarize useful information from...
How to write a Poem
Writing poetry (poem) – writing tips Writing moving and sensitive poetry is a real art. It takes imagination, creativity and a lot of feeling, but also technology. If this is neglected, the result quickly becomes overloaded with clichés and possibly cheese. Therefore, it’s worth not only letting your muse...
How to write a Report
How to Write a Report: Building an Effective Relationship in 12 Steps: How to Write a Report Able to Report the Facts Honestly and Clearly How to Write a Report? That is: how to build a working relationship – or any other kind – that is effective in every...
Ruby Throated Hummingbirds
Quick facts: Ruby-throated hummingbird Profile of ruby-throated hummingbird Size 7-9cm (8-11cm wingspan) Speed up to 48 km / h Weight 2-6 g Lifespan 3-5 years Food nectar, tree sap, insects, spiders Enemies hawks, jays, cats Habitat of the breeding area: North America; Winter quarters: Central America Ok seabirds Family...
Introduce yourself professionally
Our guide: here’s how you present yourself to each scenario How do you best present yourself in different scenarios? We often take ideas lightly. But they are very powerful in building and establishing relationships. In this article, you will learn why it is important to present yourself in different...
Write an introduction paragraph
How to Write the Correct Essay Introduction: Examples and Techniques 19th February 2020 The opening paragraph of article can be long or short, should start with a sentence that pickes interest of readers. In a well-constructed first paragraph, that first sentence leads to three or four sentences that give...
Introduce yourself in an interview
Greeting to the interview: introduce yourself correctly Greetings for the interview: It goes without saying that you don’t pass by your host without saying a word. But what’s the best thing to do when you come to an interview? Hello how are you? It’s not as insignificant you think....