What is Graduate degree

WHAT ARE COMPLETED Graduate STUDIES or Graduate degree?

Excerpt from Graduate Studies: A Practical Guide from the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies or having a Graduate degree.

Graduate schools offer master’s courses

(usually one to two years of full-time study after an undergraduate degree) and doctoral programs (around four to six additional years of study that can lead to a master’s degree).

The learning environment in the bachelor’s degree differs significantly from that of the bachelor’s degree. It has been characterized as progressive, focused, and scientific:

  • It is advanced because it is based on university education.
  • It is focused because the undergraduate program emphasizes depth.
  • It is scientific because it is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills, but also about critically examining existing knowledge and creating new knowledge. PhD students must acquire and apply advanced analytical and interpretive skills, as well as understand and / or produce research.

Even if the expectations of bachelor students can be different, it must be taken into account that the bachelor’s degree is a completely different teaching experience than the bachelor’s degree.

Scientific discovery is rarely a linear process and it is usually not possible to research directly into the desired result. Discovering is a mixture of intuition, effort, curiosity and luck.


Professional Programs: imparting specialized skills and qualifications for a particular profession (such as speech therapy or MBA programs).

Terminal programs – Masters and PhD are purchased separately. Enrollment in the doctorate takes place after completing the master’s degree.

Non-terminal programs – the master leads directly to the doctorate without interruption after the master. You can enroll immediately after graduation

In addition, your diploma can be:

Course of study: A combination of compulsory courses, internships, proficiency tests, independent research or framework or project courses

Thesis – a combination of compulsory courses and a final project under the direction of a final advisor.

Thesis-based master’s courses offer students the opportunity to explore the possibility of an academic career.

The standard period of study for this degree is two years, but it can take longer for a high-quality thesis.

Students are expected to show enthusiasm and commitment to achieve the goals that define their research project, which may mean working on their project beyond the normal work week.

In research, the end result is almost always determined by the commitment and commitment of the students to the project.

As a reward, the student has the opportunity to examine research questions and make breakthroughs in important and diverse areas that aim to reduce human suffering and improve our understanding of the world.

What is a GOD, DESS, or PHD?

Also take a look:

The technical school diploma is acquired in one year and certifies an application-oriented training with a high degree of specialization, which prepares directly for professional life.

A DESS usually consists of an internship of at least 3 months in a company that allows an active entry into professional life.

Some DESSs, such as “Business Communication Marketing” in Assas, have been carried out part-time for over a year.

The number of study places is limited to around thirty students per doctorate and is therefore difficult to access.

Mentions, internships or experiences abroad are highly appreciated by DESS directors during recruitment, which mostly takes place through interviews and the preparation of a file.

  • Arts. 6 The diploma of the university of applied sciences certifies the professional training that can be completed as training or further training.
  • The purpose of this training is to acquire in-depth knowledge in certain areas that complement the training in the second cycle, as well as the acquisition of techniques aimed at promoting the practice of a certain type of activity.
  • Arti. 10 The training (…) necessarily includes theoretical lessons, practical lessons and an internship.
  • This also includes the preparation of a thesis or project, individually or collectively. J.O. Extracts from the decree of 30 March 1992 on 3rd cycle studies

Doctoral studies combine DEA and doctorate

The goddess:
The Diploma of Advanced Studies marks the first year of doctoral studies. It is an introduction to the year of research. The DEA allows you to focus on research, writing a thesis, or even teaching.
The DEA will be received in a year. (The president of the university can grant a two-year term on the advice of the head of education.)


The 3-year doctorate (thesis) corresponds to a research work, followed by the discussion of a thesis.

  • Arts. 23 In initial training, the recommended preparation time for the doctorate is three years.
    If the candidate makes a reasoned request, a further year may be granted as exemption after consulting the thesis or the Director of Labor.
    For doctoral students who carry out a professional activity other than that provided for by decree no.
    In the absence of a doctoral school, the management of the facility is responsible for extending the preparation time of the thesis.
    J.O. Extracts from the decree of 30 March 1992 on 3rd cycle studies

Exceptionally, if the candidate makes a justified request from the president of the university, after consulting the research director on the progress of the work, an additional year may be granted.

Doctoral Schools: Some DEAs can be combined within a Doctoral School.

  • Arts. 14 Doctoral schools unite those involved in the preparation of one or more D.E.A. groups of participating teachers from the same disciplinary or multidisciplinary group,
  • As well as associated groups, junior groups and host groups of doctoral students working in this group. (…) J.O. Extracts from the decree of 30 March 1992 on 3rd cycle studies

These structures make it possible to group resources (teaching, IT tools, etc.) and to offer additional courses or modules or transversal seminars that give students the opportunity to expand their original skills to related disciplines or applied techniques.

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