What is a unit fraction | Unit fraction
A unit fraction is the inverse of a non-zero natural number. The fraction 11 is a unary fraction.
Types of fractions
The percentage
The fractional number
The improper fraction
Equivalent fractions
The irreducible fraction
The reducible fraction
The decimal fraction
Similar fractions
The periodic fraction
The unit fraction
The fraction-unit
The percentage
The percentage, noted
The percentage, noted
is a way of representing a fraction whose denominator is 100.
80/100=80 %
The fractional number
A mixed number is a number that has an integer part (one or more integers) and a fractional part.
Note that mixed numbers are rational numbers.
Fraction of the form 1n, where n is a non-zero natural number.
A unit fraction is the inverse of a non-zero natural number.
The fraction 11 is a unary fraction.
Fractions like 12, 15 and 110 are unit fractions.
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