Why am I waking up so Early

Why do I always waking up so Early

A few months ago I made a decision I had never thought about before. A decision that will shape my days for the next few months.

I decided to get up at 5:30 am every day.

It’s a valid question (and I admit it surprises me some mornings too).

Have you ever woken up and felt completely off track? Open your eyes and a kind of mental “slap” is written all over your face: think immediately of what you have to do during the day, at the different times, of all the commitments that have to be fulfilled.

You wake up every morning wanting to be under the covers.

I don’t know about you, but I thought to myself, do I really want to start every day like this for the rest of my life? No thanks.

Then I discovered Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning and read about the morning routine that many successful entrepreneurs follow every day.

When thousands of Miracle Morning “followers” and people like Richard Branson (founder and CEO of Virgin), Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), Howard Schultz (of Starbucks) and Jack Dorsey (founder and CEO of Twitter and Square) made this decision met, you probably really want to know something, don’t you think?

It’s not about getting up at 5:30am to get up before sunset (I love my bed, like everyone else). But it’s a great way to indulge in activities that are known to have a positive impact on our mood, productivity, and (also) our “happiness levels.”

If you’re seduced by the prospect of starting each new day full of excitement and determined to make the most of your time, here’s my take on the routine inspired by what Hal Elrod offers in The Miracle Morning.

(Important note: It is not necessary to get up at 5:30 a.m., just get up earlier than usual to make time for all activities.)

Don’t think about anything and… focus.

10 mins

Note that we are talking about meditation here. The scientific evidence supporting the benefits of this practice is growing.
With five minutes of regular meditation practice, you can start enjoying the positive effects of this activity.

I tried two apps to guide you at the beginning:

  1. Headspace (amazing user experience!)
  2. Muffler (the one I’m using now)

In his The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod suggests a simple technique:

  • Sit comfortably and keep your back straight.
  • Close your eyes or look at a fixed point in front of you.
  • Focus on breathing: breathe in through the belly, breathe out through the chest.
  • Enjoy the stillness of the moment, try to focus on your breathing without thinking about anything else
  • Don’t worry if you find your mind returning to normal thoughts. Remain calm and pay attention to your breathing again.


You will feel less stressed and have more rest. With practice, you’ll really feel “out there” as soon as you open your eyes.


My facial expression when I first heard about affirmations and visualization.

(I had some difficulties at first. At first it feels a bit like you’re in the middle of one of those American conferences where the moderator keeps repeating how fabulous everyone is and how to change the world…. Then you get gradually used to it).

  1. Reminder of goals. It’s time to set your weekly schedule that we talked about last time. You can also take a moment to write down your goals and remind yourself why you want to achieve them. For example: “Having a nice day with my family because that’s my number one priority.”


This is my daily motivation charge. It helps me remember the things I want to do, why I do them, and how I intend to do them.

0 minutes or an hour and a half.

There’s a reason successful people exercise regularly. They understood that in order to achieve your goals and live the days at their best, you have to be in top form.

So it’s no wonder that Tim Cook hits the gym at 5am every morning or Jack Dorsey starts his day with a 10k run.

If you want to dedicate yourself to physical exercise without special equipment, without a gym membership and without obligation, you can:

Get your butt moving!

  1. Run, even if only for ten or fifteen minutes, at least initially.
  2. Follow one of the popular 7-minute workout programs (such as this one)

The ideal would be to exercise every morning. I’d rather switch. Every other morning I go to the gym for an hour and a half. The next day I don’t exercise anymore. At the end of the day, I much prefer doing just 10 minutes of yoga each morning.


Exercising in the morning, even if just for 10 minutes, can wake you up completely, relieve stress and recharge your batteries. And of course it also serves to maintain health. Interesting, isn’t it?

  1. Reading.

20 minutes

You have an unlimited source of knowledge: books. Whatever your goals, whether it’s to run a marathon, get rich, travel the world… there are books on the subject that can be of great help.

Reading for 20 minutes (or even 10) in the morning means absorbing knowledge that you can immediately put into practice to achieve your goals.

I always do summaries of the books that have been most useful to me. You can download it here.

Some examples of the books I have used the most:

  1. “Four Hours a Week” by Tim Ferriss (to increase your productivity).
  2. “How to Make Friends” by Dale Carnegie (arguably the best book on human communication and emotional intelligence)
  3. “100 euros is enough to reinvent your life, do what you love and create a new future”, by Chris Guillebeau (how to live from your passion with a small investment)
  4. “The Art of Aiming at the Essentials,” by Leo Babauta (Learning to do less, do more).


Why not use the experience of those who have achieved these goals before you? You save time. You will feel richer as a person. Perhaps you will help others by sharing what you have learned.

personal budget.

I’ve been using these rituals for a few months now. Here are some advantages:

(As of this writing, it’s 6:10 am. I’ve just finished my “ritual” and started working on my main task for the day: finishing this article.) It only remains for me to encourage you. Treat yourself to the luxury of starting your day confident and motivated, determined to make the most of every minute.

Here’s your to-do list:

  1. For the “stronger”. Set your alarm an hour earlier than usual in the morning and devote 10 minutes to each of these activities.
  2. For those who prefer to take it easy. Pick 2 or 3 activities that you find positive and practice them for a while, in the morning and the following days.

Yes, they say that in order to form a new habit in your life, you have to cross the “21-day threshold”: 21 days to practice that “future habit” every day. If you want to go in this direction, you know what to do 


You can do the following:

First I wrote in a notebook, like a moleskin, all white. Then I used a special journal (not like the one I had when I was 14, it had little hearts on it).

Today I try to create my personal diary, whose structure and predefined questions are answered every day.


You will feel more relaxed and focused. You will make a list of positive things in your journey and life.

  1. Target reminder.

10 mins.

There are many ways to do this. You can choose just one or three depending on your preference.

  1. Confirmation. These are phrases to be repeated that describe the person you want to be.
  2. Visualization: During visualization you have to imagine yourself fulfilling your desires or having a good day… you have to think and imagine at that time.

Early risers are happier people and less likely to suffer from mental health problems, according to a genetic study by Professor Mike Weedon of the University of Exeter.

Night owls, better known in science as “owls,” must constantly fight against their biological clocks to adjust to the times set by society (eg, start work or school at 8 a.m., alarm clock at 6:30 a.m.). This would be 10% more likely to develop schizophrenia and depression.

In fact, getting up early is not for everyone:

“Our need for sleep is biologically determined – says Pradeep Bollu, sleep specialist and neurologist. In order to feel rested in the morning, we have to pay our sleep debt, which is our biological sleep requirement per night.

Most adults take about 7-8 hours of rest every 24 hours. Less than 5% need less than 6 hours and another 5% should sleep more than 8 hours”.

According to Harvard Medical School’s Department of Sleep Medicine, getting little sleep each night can impair judgment and learning, as well as affect mood and, in the long run, lead to health problems like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

So if you’re ready to skip the late-night binge-watching and become an early riser, here are some handy tips in our gallery to learn how to get up early. It’s for your own good.

The key to becoming a morning person is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

The key to being a morning person is going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. gradually moving your schedule back by about 15 minutes to help your body adjust.

Coffee and other stimulants such as tea and chocolate can disrupt the internal clock if taken after 4 p.m….

No to caffeine after 4pm

Coffee and other stimulants such as tea and chocolate can disrupt the internal clock if consumed after 4 p.m.

Choosing to have decaf coffee at least 5 hours before bed will make it easier to fall asleep because you won’t toss and turn at night.

Drinking no more than 4 coffees a day can also help with insomnia, explains Jaclyn London, director of nutrition at the Good Housekeeping Institute.

These foods can help promote sleep thanks to nutrients like vitamin B6 and magnesium. They also contribute…

Have a snack with pistachios and cherries

These foods can help promote sleep thanks to nutrients like vitamin B6 and magnesium. They also contribute to the production of melatonin, the sleep-regulating hormone, London says.

Eating or fooling around less than an hour before bed can keep you up at night. “The stomach produces…

Don’t eat too late
Eating or fooling around less than an hour before bed can keep you up at night.

“The stomach produces acids to start digestion, which means you’re more likely to have reflux when you’re lying down,” explains London. Foods to Avoid: Fried foods, processed meats, fast foods, and desserts.

Exposure to light and light screens before bed can also spike and impair your circadian rhythm…

Set a digital curfew

Exposure to light and bright screens (such as a laptop or cell phone) before bed can also disrupt your circadian rhythm and affect sleep quality.

Implement a “digital curfew” that signals when it’s time to put down the phone and click Netflix — the sooner the better, says the National Sleep Foundation.

It’s true that a glass of red wine makes your eyelids feel heavy, but you won’t feel rested anymore…
limit alcohol.
It’s true that a glass of red wine can make your eyelids feel heavy, but you definitely won’t feel rested when you wake up. “Alcohol causes a state of fragmentation, or sleep deprivation”.

You need for the day to check the weather of the day …

Prepare everything the day before
Don’t wake up with the stress of having to prepare for the day: check the weather forecast for the next day, choose your clothes and already prepare lunch.

Also prepare breakfast: rusks, jam, fruit and juice. The next day when you wake up, all you have to do is take the butter out of the fridge and make your coffee with the mocha. You’ll fall asleep a little later, but you’re less likely to forget something.

Have you ever heard of the yoga asana “Sun Salutation” “Enjoy good exposure after…

Wake up with more light
Have you ever heard of yoga asanas “Sun Salutation”? “Good exposure to light (preferably natural sunlight) upon waking improves the internal circadian clock and alertness. Try to wake up at dawn so that the light gradually enters the room.

That means you don’t have to doze off to check your email or do anything else under the covers…

Don’t lie in bed

That means you don’t have to fall asleep, check your email, or do anything else under the covers. “The bed should only be used for sleeping and not for working,” explains Bollu.

“This subconsciously tells the brain to only sleep when your body is in bed.” If you’re having a really hard time getting up every morning, reconsider your bedtime. “When you meet the biological requirements for sleep, you automatically wake up refreshed
Madonna, Lourdes and messages from the body

Without commuting to work or taking the kids to school, maintaining a regular sleep schedule can…

Without commuting to work or taking the kids to school, it can be difficult to maintain a regular sleep schedule. To borrow a quote from Marie Kondo, find a way to bring joy into your routine.

Sign up for a new class at the gym, walk the dog somewhere quiet, run errands in the morning.

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