Self Introduction for students

So it’s time to tackle your first cover letter, right Self Introduction for students?

You may think resumes and cover letters are only there to help you find work in the adult world. But students also often need a cover letter for various reasons.

Whether you’re applying for a resume, executive position, scholarship, or your first job, with a successful cover letter you can set yourself apart from the competition and tell your story passionately and convincingly.

Whether in high school or college, the competition between talented students can be fierce. And the grade point average can be decisive up to a certain point.

A successful cover letter can be your secret weapon to outdo yourself against students who, despite having a perfect grade point average, don’t have the charisma and character that distinguish one candidate from another.

Structure of the cover letter for a student and examples of writing:

As a student, you will need to use your cover letter for different purposes, having adapted to each of them, of course!

Fortunately, the structure of a professional cover letter remains more or less the same regardless of industry or job position.

This framework can therefore be useful for scholarships, programs, and any other type of application you may be making. Here are the most important components:

  • Letter header
  • Opening formula
  • introduction
  • body
  • diploma
  • signature
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  • Letter header

In the past, you had to send your application (including cover letter) by post.

Luckily for you, applications are mostly online these days.

Back then, the header format of a cover letter was just one, the standard and formal format you need to use when sending documents the old fashioned way.

In all other cases, the cover letter header has only one main purpose: to identify the document as yours.

Furthermore, its function is to keep your contact information – phone number, email address, LinkedIn, etc. – within reach of the hiring manager, especially if your letter ends up in a large office.

It is advisable to choose a concise heading so that you have more space to convince the potential employer of your search.

The goal of this section: to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with your letter knows who it belongs to and has all the information they need to get in touch with you.

The cover letter header also plays an important role in formatting

In fact, it is the only area where you can decide whether to add a touch of color or a graphic element, depending on your sector and your company.

One trick to looking even more sophisticated is to coordinate the styles of your documents. This means that you will use the same header for your resume, cover letter, and all other application documents.

With that in mind, a preset template can make many things easier for you and help you find the right balance between professionalism and creativity.

Cover letter opening letter

The salutation is one of the shorter sections of your cover letter, but it should make a good first impression.

The way you address your interlocutor sets the tone for the rest of the letter and should therefore convey respect and professionalism.

In most cases, however, there is no need to overdo the formalities.

In most cases, simply use “Dear Sir or Madam”, followed by the most appropriate greeting (eg Mr / Mrs) and the last name of the person you are talking to.

The purpose of this section: to open the letter in a polite way and to address the person you are speaking to correctly and professionally.

It is scientifically proven that people like to hear their name. You can use this valuable information to your advantage by addressing your letter

Presentation to the person who will read it. In many cases, employers and organizations that offer student partnerships include the name of the contact person in the application area.

Sometimes this is a real test to see which students paid enough attention and included this information in their letter.

However, if your letter ends up in the hands of more than one person – in a large organization, for example – you don’t need to bother trying to come up with a specific name.

However, it’s better to avoid the cold and now outdated “To the Ca who it concerns” and go for a phrase that includes the name of the company followed by “To the Ca of the team of / recruiting committee … “.

Presentation of the cover letter

The introduction is the stepping stone for your letter.

The opening paragraph is your chance to grab the reader’s attention with an interesting anecdote, bold statement, or energetic opening sentence.

Often companies and organizations like to work with students because of their creative approach and innovative ideas.

Don’t let your reader fall asleep with a completely “tasteless” opening sentence like “I would like to express my interest in the vacancy of …”.

Instead, try to encourage them to continue reading your letter by offering a taste of your best qualities right in the introduction.

The goal of this section: to create a bold and engaging first paragraph that will encourage the reader to continue reading.

Main part of the cover letter

Body heels make up the bulk of your letter.

Here you can grapple with your successes, your career goals and your future goals. If the structure of the letter is not enough for you, you can think about dividing it into two subsections.

In the first, it uses the STAR method (“Situation, Task, Action, Result”) to explain the received situation, task, action and result.

Try to limit yourself to describing each anecdote in a few lines to keep the reader’s attention.

In the second section you can describe in more detail the characteristics that make you a suitable candidate for the position, the extracurricular activities carried out and the work experience gained.

Make sure to relate each of these elements to the position you are applying for to show why you would be a great addition to the business team.

The aim of this section:

To provide a more detailed description of your previous skills and work experience, and to provide specific examples to support your problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Completion and signature of the letter

Congratulations – you have finished completing your cover letter!

What remains to be done now is a short final paragraph that encourages the reader to get in touch with you to learn even more about the qualities that make you the perfect candidate.

The best way to do this is to send a direct invitation to contact you.

That way, you are showing yourself eager to start a dialogue and deepening what has already been said, and inviting the reader to take the next step.

This is the time to be decisive and confident without appearing to be arrogant or presumptuous.

Finally, sign your letter with a standard closing formula such as “Sincerely”, “Sincerely” or “Sincerely”.

The aim of this section: to end the letter on a strong and positive note by politely and professionally inviting and encouraging the reader to interact with you.

Cover letter for a student: format and common mistakes

Here are some tips on how to write a cover letter as a student and avoid the most common pitfalls:

Independent Information: If you are a college student, your hobbies and interests can often prove useful information for a cover letter (especially if you are a high school student).

However, if the application is more formal and professional, it is better to leave out the details of your private life and focus on the aspects relevant to the position at hand.

Formatting and Graphics: In general, formatting and graphics should match the industry and position for which you are applying.

Light colors and whimsical fonts won’t suit a more formal position or employer, so be sure to spell the letter correctly. With this in mind, a professional model can make your job easier.

Typing and grammatical errors: You only have one hour before the application deadline

ura, and you can’t wait to get finished … next time allow enough time to read and correct the text! Better yet, ask a friend to take a look at this and tell you what they think of it.

General or overly formal formulations:

Your cover letter, however formal, should sound natural and “down to earth”. Remember that a reader will always notice when text has been

copied and pasted, or when the words used are so complicated and presumptuous that it is clear that you are just trying to show off. Writing in your natural tone of voice is always your best bet.

Important tips

The cover letter is the ultimate persuasion tool you can use to influence the decision of hiring managers. Writing one, even if the internship doesn’t specifically require it, is an absolute must.

Familiarize yourself with the structure of the cover letter and make a note of the key points in each section.
Rely on the reader’s emotions and psychology to earn points and receive the internship.

Use the correct tone of voice and think about what employers want an intern to do.

Avoid generic phrasing, fall into the formatting traps of text editors, and use the visual aspect of text (including design elements) to grab the reader’s attention.

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