Yeast infection treatment: vaginal yeast treatment at home

Vaginal yeast infection treatment at home by using oral antifungal medicine or application of an antifungal cream to cure mild infection.

Minimum three days oral antifungal drug or application of an antifungal cream to cure mild infection. Complicated infections require longer-term treatment.

I talked to a Doctor online whose name is Dr. Smriti Agarwal who suggested me these VAGINAL YEAST TREATMENT. I will Share doctor number if You want to Ask any question vaginal infection regarding.



Fungal infection of the vagina (vaginal thrush) can manifest through itching, burning, and discharge. The area around the entrance to the vagina and the labia may also become swollen. Sometimes this leads to infection, there is no complaint.

In case of vaginal thrush, yeast fungi have overgrown in the vagina and caused inflammation. Bacterial infections (bacterial vaginosis) as well as yeast infections are among the most common causes of inflammation of the vagina and external genital organs.

At certain stages, women are especially susceptible to vaginal yeast infections – for example during pregnancy. But a weak immune system and taking certain medications can also increase the risk of vaginal thrush.

A short treatment with vaginal suppositories or cream is often sufficient to reduce the fungal infection. Sometimes pills also help.

Symptoms Of vaginal yeast infection

Five signs that you have a vaginal yeast infection.

Volvo itching – this can be intense and it gives you what I call the thrush dance where you discreetly try to rub the labia together to create friction because you don’t want to scratch in public.

Vaginal Discharge – this is often white or cream in color has no smell and can change in consistency from double cream to cottage cheese.

Volvo irritation – the vulva can look red swollen and feel sore and have tiny Cuts called fissures due to the inflammation dysuria this is burning or stinging

Urine Pass – when you pass urine it’s due to inflammation of the urethra and irritation of the Volvo skin when it comes into contact with drops of urine dysphoria.

Painful intercourse – this pain is superficial meaning it is at the entrance of the vagina at the start of penetration none it is possible to have a vaginal yeast infection and have no symptoms.

Vaginal Yeast infection During period time

Bacterial vaginosis and thrush can be more common during your period the vaginal pH is usually acidic which helps keep infections away but your period blood can make your vaginal environment less acidic and more favorable for bacteria and fungi to overgrow.

Yeast infection treatment: vaginal yeast treatment at home
Yeast infection treatment: vaginal yeast treatment at home

Vaginal Yeast Infection Causes and risk factors

Vaginal fungal infections are primarily caused by yeast fungi, specifically the pathogen Candida albicans. Although these fungi are part of the natural vaginal flora, they are usually found only in small numbers. Then they will not have any problem.

However, vaginal flora can become unbalanced – for example due to pregnancy or medication.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels in the body are especially high. This can alter the vaginal flora and promote vaginal yeast infections. hormonal balance just like pregnancy does. That is why the risk of vaginal thrush increases in women who use the pill.

Some diseases also promote vaginal yeast infections, for example diabetes mellitus and other diseases that weaken the immune system. In addition, various medications can promote vaginal thrush: these include antibiotics, cortisone and a hormone, radiation chemotherapy. Stress, excessive intimate hygiene, synthetic and tight-fitting clothes, sweating and use of airtight panty liners or pads also increase the risk of fungal infections. The fungus can then grow in large numbers and cause inflammation.

Vaginal Yeast infection Frequency

Yeast infection is very common it’s the second most common vaginal infection in women 75 percent of all women will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetime more than 650 000 women in the united states will have recurrent yeast infection meaning will have more than three yeast infection in their lifetime.

 the symptoms are only mild, sometimes they are completely absent. Severe symptoms rarely occur. Then more intensive treatment is necessary. This also applies if the infection occurs several times a year or is caused by an immune deficiency.

How do you prevent Vaginal yeast infection

Yeast infection can be prevented by taking care of the risk factors that are there as i said the candida which causes the yeast infection is already present in everybody’s vagina but when the balance between the yeast infection and the lactobacillus is changed

The yeast infections becomes more and you start having symptoms not doing any kind of douching using a lot of feminine products keeping your undergarments cool cotton not wet

keeping that area warm and dry will prevent the yeast infection from becoming more the other factors that you can take care of is your obesity so.

if you’re obese make sure you lose weight if you’re diabetic control your diabetes any antibiotics at that time there is a risk that you may develop more yeast infection so cut down the antibiotics if

it’s not necessary or if you’re an immunocompromised patient then your immunocompromised drugs itself will predispose so the minimum amount of drugs you take the less chance of disease infections troubling you more.

what are complicated yeast infections

Well complicated yeast infections basically means a yeast infection which is not getting cured and in that a recurrent yeast infection a regular fungal infection is one of the commonest

Problem that women suffer from and we say a recurrent infection when you get these infections more than four episodes in a year

it is possible that the yeast infection was not completely cured by the first line of treatment that you took or it has recurred after it being treated

once we had given you the medication when such a situation occurs we need to drop a long pan to keep the patients on some kind of maintenance therapy for some time so that the yeast infection is completely cured.

what are the treatment options available for Vaginal yeast infection

the Vaginal yeast infection that one suffers in the as a form of vaginitis can be treated by medication both orally as well as topically which means local application the oral medications are usually anti-fungal med which we give to control the vaginal yeast infection.

The topical medications are in forms of either pessaries or ointments which one can apply at the level of vagina which will cure the infection as well as give temporary symptomatic relief but one must remember that these medications should not be taken

Presumably that you are having a vaginal infection by just over the counter medications i find many times women come to my office where they have treated them selves with for fungal infection but they actually have some other infection.

when to consult a gynecologist

If your vaginal infection has any bad odor that is smell intense itching or any blood mixed with

it you must consult a gynecologist because it could be a yeast infection but it could be a hallmark of any other disease number one it could be any other type of infection which the yeast infection.

Medication will not take care it could be a sign of a more sinister problem like a cancer so one must take care and if the vaginal infection is not getting cured is not getting better in few days

one must see a gynecologist because without examining you we cannot conclude what type of infection you are suffering

Vaginal yeast treatment at home Using some home remedies


Tea Tree Oil – Tea oil is also an essential oil which works wonders in killing fungus bacteria and virus, it is also like your try oil tea oil which comes out all over the vagina in jaundice coconut oil, remember tea tree oil. never look directly at the skin. This method reduces your vaginal itching or burning READ MORE

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