How to write Background of the Study

How to write a background of the study

So now you should see your ear and pencil sharpen the same way.

Because in this blog article you get complete instructions on how to write a theoretical background (also known as a theoretical outline) in 3 easy steps.

This way you can give your scientific work the necessary foundation for an excellent grade.


What is the theoretical background?
Theoretical background is not mandatory.
The theoretical context is descriptive in nature.
The difference between “literature review” and “theoretical background”
Structure and condition of the theoretical background
Basic theoretical writing in 3 steps
The theory casting n. 1 during the literary research
Make up your mind: all or nothing
Expansion, refutation or constitution of a new doctrine?

What is the theoretical background?

A theoretical background adds another chapter to the literary part of the scientific article. Here the focus is on a specific theory, model or other conceptual construct.

This could later serve as a basis for a theoretical classification of the results.

A theoretical background is not mandatory.

Few topics and research fields can be managed completely without the theoretical part. However, it always depends on the type of scientific work.

Systematic reviews of the literature, for example, aim to discover new directions of research. Therefore, they do not require a theoretical basis.

However, theoretical work is often on the agenda in the social sciences and humanities, but also in strongly empirically driven disciplines, such as psychology.

What is a theory?

In general, a theory reflects an image of reality. As a rule, it refers to a small part of reality. A theory is often based on descriptive (descriptive) and explanatory (causal) statements.

At best, predictions can be made using theory.

A case study or experiment seeks to expand existing theoretical knowledge based on a specific application. This can work when the results are tied to an existing theory.

The goal of having a theoretical background is to explain the theory. and showing their most important components in the context of scientific work.

The theoretical background is descriptive in nature.
Existing literature (on this specific theory) is reproduced here, as well as a review of the current state of research.

However, the theoretical background should be incorporated into the larger logic of your scientific work.

In a later course of work, for example in a discussion chapter, reference is made to this principle. This can happen for the following reasons:

extension of the theory
Transferring the theory to a new context
create a better theory
refutation of a theory
The first two goals are a realistic goal. Whereas we should leave the last two points to the next Einsteins and Hawkings of this world. Developing the theory is not child’s play.

Theoretical background Tasks for degree thesis

The difference between “literature review” and “theoretical background”
I am often asked what the difference is between a literature review and a theoretical background.

The literature review reflects the current state of research. It should therefore provide the broadest and most comprehensive overview of the published literature on the subject of scientific work.

Background of the Study
How to write Background of the Study

To tell the development of a subject in the scientific field, some more ancient sources can also be consulted here. However, the main focus should be on dealing with the most current literature.

These related works revolve around the theme of scientific work. Ultimately, it should add a missing component to the existing literature. I’ve explained how to write a literature review in a separate article.

A theoretical background is not about a specific topic or use case. But, as the name suggests, it’s all about theory.

It becomes abstract and initially unrelated

Explained the real theme of your work. Then build the references step by step in a logical way.

An example:

The Davis Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) describes the various influencing factors that favor or hinder the acceptance of a new technology.

This principle was developed in 1989, long before smartphones or the Internet.

However, the theory was able to help detect these new technological phenomena. Assuming the theory is still valid, it would still help today. For example, in a scientific article on the subject of self-driving cars.

A theoretical background will explain the TAM model in detail and then address the topic of “self-driving cars”.

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The structure and state of the theoretical background
The theoretical background of your scientific work should follow the following structure:

Origins of the theory (including authors)
basic definition or concept
the context in which the theory was developed
Example or model, if applicable
Specific approaches useful for your scientific work
Your methodology / reasoned transition to the next chapter
The theoretical background should be followed by the “current state of research” (or literature review). Even before the method description, if your work is empirical in nature.

Theoretical base study

Write the theoretical background in 3 steps
Okay, then let’s lay the foundations. Now the only question left to answer is how come you are able to shake a theoretical background up your sleeve.

I would like to suggest 3 steps that can help you establish the theoretical framework.

Theory Casting No. 1 during the literary research
Here we are at the beginning of your work. You haven’t prepared a lesson yet, but are trying to get an overview of the literature.

Enter an entry for “Theory” in the system you use to collect literature (Word files, Evernote notes, Sitawi library, etc.).

There you will collect all the theories you come across by looking at the literature on your topic.

Do some theories keep popping up?
Which of these theories sounds interesting anyway?
Can any of these principles help you get into your subject?

With the full list of principles in hand, you can now read the casting questions just mentioned. Reduce your list to 3 principles.

Read yourself roughly in the theories. You will quickly find out if a theory is right.

When thinking outside the box, original scientific work often comes to the fore. Is there any theory in a completely foreign matter that can add value to my subject?

Why not apply a theory of social psychology to a fundamental problem in computer science?

Make up your own mind: all or nothing

now it’s your turn. Only you can decide which theory is right for you. If you are not absolutely sure, bring your 3 casting candidates with you in consultation with the supervisor.

Take input and then decide.

Important for every decision: all or nothing.

If you join a principle, you cannot go back and not even half and half. A theoretical background that he uses a little here and there does not deserve his name.

Of course, there are also scientific articles that use many concepts. For a student thesis, however, I suggest you focus on a theory.

Theoretical background scientific work

Expanding, refuting or rebuilding the theory?
You have chosen your theory, you have explained it and your theoretical background has already been mentioned. Where to travel now?

Think about how theory can really help logic in your work. Incorporating a theory into a scientific article just to get a theory will get you nowhere.

One thing helps make this step successful. Study the theory as thoroughly as possible. Read read And in the meantime watch a YouTube video about this principle.

The more you become an expert in this theory, the better your scientific work will be. theoretically.

If you need a little help getting started with your scientific work right away, there is a PDF for you that you can download for free.

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