How to comfort someone with depression
It is an effective treatment for depression that includes one-on-one sessions with a qualified therapist that focuses on helping the patient better understand and cope with their feelings of depression.
What is Depression?
Is depression a disease? Earlier we used to think that depression is not a disease but no, depression is a disease and it is hundred percent controllable. If someone has depression then do not panic. Do go to your doctor. Be it normal psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Family Counseling: If there is couple counseling then you can be cured and those who do not have a psychotherapist then they are given medicines.
What is Symptoms of depression?
Here’s three things about depression no:
ONE tells you about number one you don’t need a reason to be depressed often when people are looking for a specific reason they’re only looking for something that’s obviously traumatic or upsetting that might have happened to you recently but the causes of depression are much more varied and complex than that number.

TWO depression’s not just an increase in sadness sometimes it’s more about the absence of other emotions like joy excitement and hope.
THREE depression doesn’t just switch off recovery is gradual and in my clinical experience it always includes both good days and bad days.
the best way to start recovering from depression may be simpler than you think when we’re depressed we often don’t feel like doing anything but the less.
We do the worse we feel leaving us even less motivated to do things and feeling even more depressed and to start feeling better we need to become a little more active which we may already know but it can be hard to figure out where to even start
if we’re struggling to get out of bed there’s no need to be super ambitious just taking a shower or making something to eat can help improve our moods and sometimes lead to even more activity or if we’re just lying around on the couch after work and feeling more and more depressed.
we can reach out to a friend and maybe go for a walk with them or take the dog for a walk and if we don’t have friends or dogs we can just go for a walk by ourselves anything we do can help us feel a little bit better and start reversing the cycle of depression.
IT normal psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. Family Counseling: If there is couple counseling then you can be cured and those who do not have a psychotherapist then they are given medicines. It gets started in 2 week the entire depression can be brought under control within 6 months to 1 year.